Covid vaccinations and employment - update #1
As owners and managers grapple with the upcoming changes, our team are here to translate what it means and provide you with support.
Over the next few weeks we will send out short(ish) emails summarising the key points you need to think about.
This information is based on current Government advice and guidance. For specific advice we encourage you to get in touch.
Covid-19 Protection Framework
a.k.a. Traffic Light System
Effective 3 December 2021 (that’s next Friday).
Covid Vaccination Certificates (CVCs) are mandated for certain businesses (hospitality, events – indoor and outdoor, gyms, gatherings, close contact businesses and tertiary education).
Assuming we are in Orange next Friday, businesses that fall within the mandated group either need to implement the CVC system or work with the other restrictions that apply (which include not being able to operate)
Employers need to consult with their team ASAP about how this impacts the business and what steps they need to take. Speaking to your team about this is great. We also recommend putting this in writing to avoid any confusion.
For non-mandated businesses, the next bullet point applies to you.
Covid-19 Risk Assessment
If the use of CVCs is mandated for your business, you do not have to complete a risk assessment because this is a Government directive (although you might also choose to).
If you are non-mandated business, you must undertake a risk assessment on health and safety grounds.
The Government are creating a Covid-19 Risk Assessment Tool to support businesses. We understand this will be live mid December 2021. An employer can choose to use this tool or complete their own risk assessment.
The Risk Assessment Tool will have four criteria which need to be met before a business can require vaccination:
Work is done indoors, in a space smaller than 100m2
Work is done less than 1 metre apart from other people
Work is done in proximity to other people for more than 15 minutes
Work involves providing services to people who are vulnerable to COVID-19.
WorkSafe have guidance available.
Whatever option applies to you, as an employer you need to consult with your employees. This requirement becomes essential when a business requires vaccination.
4 Weeks’ Paid Notice
Where a person’s employment comes to an end because they are not vaccinated and it is a requirement for their role, they will become entitled to a minimum of 4 weeks’ paid notice.
This statutory change will become effective very soon. There are also a few rules that go with it.
Christmas Functions
Not to be too grinch like but check your plans, venues and the relevant Covid requirements. Best to figure this out now and not the day before!
Covid-19 Vaccination Policy
An employer can choose whether to implement a vaccination policy.
For mandated employers it’s recommended. For non-mandated employers it’s helpful. Why you ask? It provides clarity for everyone and you know the steps / process you need to follow in various situations.
A policy needs to be specific to your organisation and requirements (i.e. one size does not fit all).
Consultation with employees is a must.
If you have questions or need advice and support to work through this, get in touch with the RYHR team on 06 213 7676 or
And last but not least, check out our Facebook and LinkedIn pages for regular (but not too regular) information on all things people, Covid and employment.